360 Hr Rainbow Yoga Specialisation Teacher Training

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This is a life-changing yoga specialization teacher training usually run as a 28-day retreat.

Due to Coronavirus, we are not running this training in person at the moment. We are working on recreating it as an online training as well! Please register your interest in it by emailing us at info@rainbowyogatraining.com




The Yoga

Rainbow Yoga is a real movement in yoga, a style that recognises that happiness is not only within us but also all around us. The one thread that weaves through all of the yoga specialisations we teach is connection. At every stage of life, Rainbow Yoga brings people together through creative movement, breath and conscious touch.


This teacher training is for aspiring and experienced Yoga Teachers. Experience this 28 Yoga Teacher Training that connects you with life long friends and skills that can be taken into every aspect of life along with your yoga teaching.


It’s the only Yoga Teacher Training of its kind in the world, guiding you through 12 incredible yoga specialisations. From Fertility Yoga to Yoga for Seniors.


Learn to teach yoga to all ages and abilities with Rainbow Yoga. 



The Teacher Training

In the 300 Hour Rainbow Yoga Specialisation Teacher Training we move as one, supporting each other, being supported and co-creating an experience that expands the heart, lifts the spirit and extends way beyond the yoga mat.

Yoga means unity or connection, and in Rainbow Yoga we take this concept farther than ever; we learn to connect not only to ourselves, but also to everyone and everything around us. Bringing people together is the essence of Rainbow Yoga and what you will learn to pass to your community and to the world at large in this training.  

In a world where there are yoga teachers in all cities, we believe that to be successful you need to have the right skills to stand out as an exceptional yoga teacher. After completing this specialisation teacher training you will become an expert in teaching Rainbow Yoga classes, workshops and events for all ages, children, adults, couples and communities from all walks of life. 

This teacher training is full to the brim with practical knowledge you can take with you to be a unique mover and shaker in your community and around the world. Join us on this journey and become a Rainbow Yoga Teacher. 


The Schedule

The program takes place over 28 days. All students are required to stay on-site for the duration of the teacher training. The teacher training runs six days per week with one free day to unwind and relax in the beautiful retreat location, or you may choose to enjoy and explore the beautiful surroundings. 

Daily Schedule

6:30am  - Sunrise Meditation & Yoga Philosophy

8:15am  - Breakfast 

9:00am  - Rainbow Yoga Class

10:30am  - Specialisation Practice & Training 

11:45am - Practical Theory Training 

12:45pm - Lunch 

 14:00pm - Teaching Techniques 

16:15pm - Teaching Practice 

18:15pm - Dinner 

19:30pm - Evening special events, vegan information nights, revision and Rainbow Yoga teaching practice are organised on 3 evenings per week. Some evenings are rest time and will be confirmed each week at the teacher training. 


Course Investment Includes 

300 Hour Rainbow Yoga Specialisation Teacher Certificate recognised by the Yoga Alliance USA, Canada, Australia and Yoga Alliance Professionals UK 

  • Detailed Digital Teacher Training Manuals for select specialisations 
  • The best start to your yoga teaching career with training and teaching practice across 12 yoga specialisations by Rainbow Yoga 
  • Enlightened business and post-training support
  • Everlasting friendship and connection with the Rainbow Yoga family and network
  • Ashram style shared accommodation at a beautiful retreat location. Private, twin share and family accommodation available upon request, please enquire now for rates and availability.
  • 3 wholesome and local vegan meals made with delicious ingredients.
  • Herbal teas, water and fruit daily (Please bring an eco-friendly water bottle with you)

Additional Expenses Not Included in Tuition Fees:

Transportation, return airfares, airport transfers, optional excursions, activities and outside meals are not included in the tuition fees. They must be organised and purchased at your own cost. Please bring cash for the optional day excursions and massages which are organised during the training for an additional fee.

Description of Each Speciality


It’s a well-known fact that stress inhibits fertility in all forms of life. Fertility Yoga, drawing on Amazonian traditions, works to create space within the heart and the body to welcome the creation of life. Finding sacredness in our body and directing our energy to our center of creation we awaken our body to its inherent force to create life.

This is a yoga specialisation for women’s health, women planning to conceive, those undergoing fertility treatments or IVF and women who have just conceived (0-14 weeks of pregnancy). 

In Fertility Yoga, yoga-based techniques are applied to a natural stimulation of ovarian function and to womb ecology, creating an optimal womb environment. A specifically tailored variety of body, mind and spirit resources are drawn from yoga to help women cope with the stress associated with uncertainties around this time and to increase the ability to self-nurture in preparation for motherhood.

Whether a woman is planning to conceive or has been trying to have a baby for some time and may be undergoing IVF treatments, Fertility Yoga has been designed to help relaxation and enhanced fertility with specific yoga based exercises. The focus is on creating space and optimizing blood flow to muscles and connective tissues in the lower pelvis. This activates the loops that link ovaries and hormonal pathways during the menstrual cycle and also in the early phases of conception and implantation. Fertility Yoga can extend to 14 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta has become fully functional and the risks of miscarriage are considerably lower.

The first trimester of pregnancy is now known to be crucial for healthy fetal development and also for setting the foundations of parenting. Fertility Yoga offers a safe space to relax and start the journey through pregnancy in a nurturing and loving environment where you will connect with sisters on a parallel path to awaken your inner goddess. 

The Fertility Yoga specialisation is taught by the Founder of Birthlight Francoise Freedman in the Rainbow Yoga 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. 


Pregnancy is a transformational journey where you connect to your inner power to create. It’s an opportunity to redefine yourself and start the life long relationship with your baby. 

A yoga specialisation for women during pregnancy and childbirth. Prenatal Yoga provides you with the skills and knowledge to enrich expectant mothers with the benefits of yoga. You will learn to confidently and safely teach Prenatal Yoga. Gain the knowledge to physically, mentally and emotionally prepare women for the intensity of labour and childbirth. Empower women to employ their strength and grow confidence in their changing bodies. Prenatal Yoga gives expectant mothers the space to grow their awareness and increase vitality in their blooming bodies, deepening the connection and relationship with their baby. 

Learn to teach breathwork, toning, meditation and calmness in preparation for childbirth. Learn specific guidelines for each trimester including sequencing and postures for aches and pains. Study the different stages of labour and how yoga can help prepare women for childbirth. Create a safe space for women to feel nurtured and loved during pregnancy, a space where they can connect with and receive support from other women or their partner. 

Prenatal Yoga involves the study of the subtle energies, advanced anatomy, breathing, relaxation, meditation and yoga therapy for at risk pregnancies. Learn partner yoga techniques for Prenatal Yoga classes, create a special bond and connection in all stages of pregnancy and the postnatal period. 

Our Yoga Teacher Trainers are some of the most experienced in the field of Prenatal Yoga in the world. This specialisation will allow you to tailor Prenatal Yoga classes with an experienced and holistic approach.    


Pregnancy is a magical time in a women’s life to nourish her growing baby and create new life. For some this incredible experience includes morning sickness, lower back pain, fatigue and many mental, physical and emotional pressures. After the birth a new set of physical conditions accompany the bliss of loving and connecting with a new baby. A women’s body is in transition and yoga is an excellent way to be and feel healthy, strong and bright again. 

 Learn to teach Postnatal Yoga to mums after 10 weeks from giving birth to around 12 months. Help mums to relax, strengthen and stretch their postnatal bodies again. Yoga poses will help to stabilise the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. Explore deep relaxation techniques to give mums the time to regain balance and rejuvenate. 

Postnatal Yoga specialisation focuses on the pelvic floor, contracting exercises, neck, shoulders, hips, back, relaxation, increasing energy and stamina.  Postnatal Yoga is for new mums including women who have given birth by c-section.  

Learn the physiology and anatomy of pregnancy for the mum and bub and their changing needs. Learn to teach modified yoga poses and breathing techniques during the postnatal period for many common ailments. Explore the many ways yoga can benefit mums during postnatal recovery. 

Postnatal specialisation gives you the tools to nurture and support new mums by teaching them how to use yoga to care for their changing bodies.   


Giving birth is an extraordinary event that is demanding mentally, physically and emotionally. It can give rise to strong emotional experiences. A baby’s well-being relies on their basic needs being satisfied, but there are some other elements such as nurturing, touch, and connection without which a baby cannot thrive. Yoga can work greatly to enhance the interaction between parents and baby and allow the giving and receiving between them flow more effortlessly and bountifully.

Mums and dads also need immense support during this time of deep dependence and connection to baby. Sometimes their needs can be put aside for a while to care for and nurture their baby’s, but in the long term, a healthier balance can be created. Yoga is a powerful tool to support mums and dads in this time of change as it brings a sense of balance and light. With the help of Baby Yoga, mums and dads can grow stronger, increase their energy levels and feel calmer. Baby Yoga is a place to nurture one another and connect with their baby more. 

Yoga with babies has been a complementary practice in India for thousands of years. Using gentle touch, holding, movement, flowing postures, sound and toning. Baby Yoga creates deep relaxation and allows babies to sleep and digest better, develop, calm and feel more at ease in their fast-growing bodies and the new environment they have come into. 

Baby yoga is all about creating connection and increasing the bond between mum, dad and bub in this precious time of life where babies are so open to learn and receive. Yoga is a fundamental tool to integrate the mind, body and emotions during the stages of pregnancy, birth and parenting. 

Learn the skills to teach yoga that enhances playful interaction and communication between parents and bubs. Promote connection between parents and an enhanced bond with their baby. Baby Yoga specialisation uses baby massage and explores the benefits of relaxation, touch and movement, all in a supportive environment that fosters love and tenderness and all that is good for the mind, body and soul.


Let your inner child come out and play in the Yoga for Kids & Yoga for Teens specialisation. Yoga is not only an important tool for adults but an excellent practice for kids and teens. Learn to teach yoga to kids aged 1 to 17, adapting the practice to their changing and evolving physical, emotional and mental needs and interests. Teach our young ones to foster awareness and to respect and honour themselves, each other and the environment by using yoga poses and concepts. 


Yoga for Kids specialisation includes active play whilst warming up, yoga poses, games and quiet focus time. Learn to teach kids how to regulate and deepen their breath through focused attention. Having more oxygen in the body enhances mood, ability to focus, increasing the relaxation capacity for body and mind.  

Yoga can also be used as a tool to learn social skills, communication, languages, any other topic of interest; all through movement.

In Yoga for Kids we bend forward and back, we twist and side bend, strengthen and stretch, balance and event spend time upside-down. Yoga helps kids develop coordination, balance and many other important motor skills. Yoga makes kids a bit taller by improving posture, stretching and lubricating the muscles and joints.

Rainbow Yoga has a unique approach to teaching kids, incorporating fun, social interaction, play and co-creation into every class. In this extended version of our famous 3-Day Kids Yoga Teacher Training we dive deeper than ever before into this playful art and also include more specific tools to make the practice possible for children with special needs and restricted mobilization. 


Teaching teens how to cope with stress, navigate exams and deal with increasing pressure placed upon them coming into adulthood is one of the most fundamental areas where yoga can be of great service. Learn the building blocks to specialise in teaching Yoga for Teens, because teaching our young ones creates immense change in our world. We connect with our youth and plant seeds that will last a lifetime, allowing them to experience the benefits of yoga, share their knowledge, connect with others and have fun all at the same time! 

You will study and gain an understanding of teens mental, physical and emotional development. Come, explore and have fun as you learn to teach Yoga for Kids & Yoga for Teens. There is no better way to explore a subject than to move through it using creative yoga that is simply SOOOOOOOO good for you!


Students today are faced with tremendous stress, bullying and pressure to achieve in a world that is busy and challenging. Yoga has proven to develop the inner strength and resilience needed to cope with the increasing mental, physical and emotional stressors.

Empower students by introducing Yoga in the Classroom and change the world one child at a time!

Yoga helps students to build strong inner resources and flourish in daily life both in the classroom and at home. Yoga kids sleep better, have increased strength and flexibility and a greater sense of integration and engagement with those around them and their community. Yoga in the Classroom creates greater empathy, improved communication and increased leadership abilities among students.  

Yoga decreases bullying and increases anger management according to research on schools who have introduced yoga programs. By bringing Yoga to the Classroom you support students to connect with each other, their teachers, siblings and parents. You will encourage students to live happier and healthier lives, increase their capacity to learn and maintain knowledge, manage emotions and behaviours. The fundamentals learnt in Yoga in the Classroom speciality provide you with a teaching skill set that gives students increased confidence, positive self-image and enhanced concentration. 

Come and learn with us creative ways to teach kids how to focus, relax, stretch and prepare their mind and body for studying, without moving the chairs and tables. Learn to teach yoga poses interweaved with concentration techniques and conflict resolution strategies which promotes a healthy connection between students, encourages a sense of community and decreases bullying.

Gain immediate tangible knowledge and tons of fabulous ideas that will add spice to your classroom with yoga stretches, breathing exercises, interactive yoga games, child-friendly meditations and relaxation techniques. Arming children with yoga tools to better deal with stress and conflict, and teaching them to connect and support each other through social interaction and play, we empower the next generation to make a difference and create a peaceful world.

This specialisation training is a comprehensive, intensive and practical component of the Rainbow Yoga 300 Hour Teacher Training. 


In a world where parents and kids are so busy, Family Yoga provides a wonderful place to spend healthy and happy, quality time together. 

Family is so important, time and care are needed to nurture it and make it work; yoga is perfect for this! Kids, parents, and even grandparents get to enjoy practising yoga together and strengthen their bonds while they support each other and have fun.  

There are very few activities for parents and kids to do together. In most kids' extra-curricular activities, the parents drop them off and come back after an hour, or they just sit and watch. There is no interaction.

Family Yoga is very special; it is a rare opportunity for both parents and kids to connect, observe, interact and learn from each other and a great way to bridge the gap between them.

In this specialisation, you will learn many ways to connect parents and children, increase the love, enhance communication, and explore a whole lot of giving and receiving. 

This specialisation helps to relieve tension in the parent and child relationship and find more play and ease in the day to day family life. No mobile phones, no i-pads, no TV, no other duties - It is family time! A space for families to connect, grow and have fun!

Learn to teach Family Yoga that enhances the relationship and connection between kids, parents and grandparents. 


We come to this world through our families.  We are nourished by them as we grow and learn. Later, we create our own families and support the social circles that sustained our development. We receive and we give, we interact and we grow together. It's all yoga.

Community Yoga is a new kind of yoga, a more social yoga, a yoga that we do together and that gives us tools to enrich every aspect of our lives and our social existence. We call it Rainbow Yoga.

Community Yoga specialisation is about finding new ways to do yoga together.  Not by yourself and not just for yourself, but together. Practising together for the purpose of becoming closer, of binding and reconnecting with each other.

In a world where thriving communities are less and less common, and where people can feel isolated, it is more important than ever to focus on finding new ways of bringing us together.

The new paradigm of yoga that we believe in is Community Yoga. Doing yoga together in a circle, interconnecting and expanding heart and soul, uplifts our spirit as a group, is our meditation.

The Community Yoga specialisation enables you to teach yoga that deepens our connection to others, builds trust and compassion, enhances communication skills, explores safe and loving touch, stretch and balance more together than you can by yourself.  

Working in partners and groups is a major part of the Rainbow Yoga 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, philosophy and practice, whether it is done with kids or adults. By working with other people we learn a lot about ourselves and develop important social skills. We learn how to touch, how to be gentle and kind, we learn acceptance and compassion, how to be respectful and trusting, and how to connect, communicate, and cooperate. It’s a great opportunity to open the heart and overcome past conflicts as well as create new friendships. It is a practice that unites and brings playfulness and peace to our beautiful world.


Life is wonderful! And it is even more special when you share it with someone. Sunsets are beautiful, but even sweeter when you watch them with a loved one.

Yoga is wonderful too, and it is even more magical when you share the practice with a partner. Yoga works on many levels; it is a journey of discovery, of ourselves and our interdependence., each one of us is a whole universe to be explored through this practice. 

We live in a fast-moving world, Partner Yoga specialisation focuses on the practice of yoga together to strengthen the bonds between couples in a supportive and fun way. 

In Partner Yoga specialisation learn to connect with others in new and fun ways. Learn to teach safe and respectful touch, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, yoga poses, balance and breathing to couples and friends in your yoga classes. 

Partner Yoga gives you the tools to teach about touch and attentiveness that will lead couples to a better love life. The benefits of this specialisation include deepening the connection one feels with their partner, improved understanding of the relationship, enhanced harmony with body and mind to make one a better partner, cultivates emotional and physical balance and keeps couples fit and more physically capable.

Partner Yoga is based on Tantric philosophy. The word Tantra in Sanskrit literally means “weave” denoting continuity. It also means “To manifest, to expand and to show”. In this context, yoga is thought to expand our consciousness and weave together the polarities of masculine and feminine into harmonious wholeness. 

Partner Yoga specialisation guides you through awareness and transformational pleasure by practising yoga poses together. We explore awareness through the senses, feelings and energies. 


Wise Women Yoga is a deeply nourishing practice. 

 In this fast-paced modern-day life, women are always doing something, achieving and pushing to be bigger and better. This brings a lot of stress to the body and can create many imbalances which affect sleeping patterns, weight, digestion, libido, menstrual cycles and menopause. 

Today women are seen to predominantly practice yoga, however original forms of yoga were developed for men by men, thousands of years ago and even in the 20th century. Wise Women Yoga incorporates yoga poses with a modern-day Rainbow Yoga twist that specifically works towards enhancing women’s health and wellbeing. This specialisation takes into account the stress and tension created by a modern-day life as well as the hormonal differences specific to women. Wise Women Yoga specialisation teaches you about women mental and physical differences and how to create balance and feelings of vitality in women.  

Learn the biomechanics of yoga to prevent injuries in the Wise Women Yoga specialisation. Teach your students to improve blood circulation, alignment, tone, balance and breath. Learn about the endocrine system and balancing hormonal levels for better emotional stability.  

This is a practical approach to teaching Wise Women Yoga. Gain the skills required to teach yoga poses for bone building, pelvic floor, insomnia, stiff joints and hot flashes. Encourage using poses that increase strength and flexibility in the spine, soothe the nervous system and balance the endocrine system. 

Wise Women Yoga specialisation follows the moon cycle and teaches you the practices that complement each phase of the moon cycle for a woman’s body. Explore the Wise Women Yoga concepts that help with joint sensitivity, stiffness in the body and other physical limitations women face. 

Learn to teach Wise Women Yoga to women in perimenopause, menopause and beyond to experience more ease, calm, balance and increased strength.


It is never too late to do yoga.

Many people with hectic schedules only find the time for activities like yoga in retirement. Though the tendency is to become more sedentary, retirement is the perfect time to pick up healthy habits that will promote longevity.

Our senior population is growing rapidly as is their interest in leading healthy and active lives. On the whole, we live longer than we used to, and we all want high-quality living and good health to be a part of our senior years. 

Although many of us feel that we should follow the advice of “taking it easy” as we grow older, that is actually what we shouldn’t do. Extended periods of sitting lead to muscular shortening, tightening and weakening. Lack of weight-bearing activity contributes to osteoporosis. Lack of movement and stretching leads to joint deterioration and loss of flexibility. 

Yoga for Seniors specialisation covers three fundamental components that seniors need to stay healthy and active in older age, these include low impact cardiovascular movement, resistance training and stretching. Learn to teach Yoga for Seniors where even those with limited mobility can still do yoga by adaptive practices such as chair yoga.  

The benefits of teaching Yoga to Seniors include increasing muscle tone, balance, strength and mood enhancement. Teach breathing techniques to help our seniors increase lung capacity and improve posture. With an improved sense of body awareness, Yoga for Seniors can translate into increased confidence and an ability to get around without falling. 

Learn to teach Yoga to Seniors and become aware of a person's physical capabilities, learn to modify poses so an elderly person doesn't get injured or become frustrated. Establish a sense of community among seniors and help them thrive into older age with the Yoga for Seniors specialisation.



In Yoga Therapy we learn to fit the pose to the person, rather than the person to the pose. 

You will learn to use yoga as a modality to heal and improve the quality of life of your yoga students and private yoga clients. 

In this Yoga Therapy specialisation learn about the elements of awareness and better body control and alignment, connection to other people and to the world, confidence, self-esteem and relaxation.

Learn the fundamentals of Yoga Therapy to teach correct adjustments, practical anatomy and planning both group and private classes. Learn to assess the needs of students and work with them to meet their needs. Yoga Therapy can be one on one or in a small group setting. Learn to adapt the tools of yoga to help heal students with specific issues. Where yoga keeps us on the path of wellness and provides a platform to cope with stressors in all the stages of life, Yoga Therapy can target the root cause of a problem. Yoga Therapy can appease symptoms, enhance the quality of life and reduce pain. Yoga Therapy is a great complementary practise to other forms of treatment. 

Yoga Therapy creates a safe and nurturing environment that allows your students to heal. Learn about common health issues and how to tailor lesson plans and private classes using the tools of yoga. 

 Modern research into the benefits of Yoga Therapy has caught the attention of many doctors and health practitioners around the world. In many cases doctors find Yoga Therapy to be a valuable complement to their work, as it can be extremely helpful for people who need to work through what they are experiencing in their body and mind.

Yoga Therapy provides a gradual path to help people to manage emotions, stress, depression, anxiety and many health conditions.  

The Yoga Therapy specialisation also includes teaching yoga for kids and adults with special needs, chair yoga, hospital yoga and bed yoga for kids and adults with low mobility.

This is a specialization Yoga Teacher Training Course in teaching yoga to everyone wherever there are on the circle of life. From Fertility Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Postnatal Yoga, Baby Yoga, Kids Yoga , Pre-teens Yoga and Teenagers Yoga, family yoga, Yoga At School (doing yoga in the classroom  even without moving the chairs and tables, Yoga for People With Additional Needs and Neurodivergent People, Partner Yoga and Tantra Yoga, and all the way to Yoga Therapy and Senior Yoga, this is a full and comprehensive journey.


Rainbow Yoga trained more than 30,000 Kids Yoga Teachers since 2007. We make yoga fun for children and young people of all age groups and for the whole family too! Our yoga consists of many poses and stretches that have different physical benefits for our health and well-being, breathing, relaxation, meditation and mindfulness exercises for our minds, and social interaction, playfulness, meaning, deep life lessons and fun for our spirit.

Thinking about the impact of all those amazing certified yoga teachers, educators, parents and therapists we have trained to teach yoga to children and yoga for teens; we are making a huge difference for the next generation bringing peace, love, kindness and resilience into their lives. Education departments, schools, health programs and individuals in many countries have adopted yoga as a form of exercise and a method to decrees stress and increase wellbeing. We are the biggest and most-loved kid’s yoga teacher training in the world and we are here tp provide you with everything you will need to teach successful, exciting, meaningful, engaging and fun yoga to children, teenagers and families.


Rainbow Kids Yoga offers the most comprehensive, practical, and engaging children yoga teacher training certification in the world! Our course will enable you to deliver children yoga classes that will connects your students to themselves, each other, and the environment. Through unique and engaging practices of mindfulness and yoga your students and community will be able to find connections, enhance well-being and thrive as grounded, integrated and well balanced individuals.

At our training, all while having fun, you will become a children yoga instructor through a lot of experiential practice, insightful theory, yoga poses and sequences, mindfulness practices and relaxation. You will learn how to build fun, engaging, and fitness-level-appropriate children yoga classes for all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. At our kid’s yoga teacher training you will find over 300 videos presenting how to make yoga poses accessible and fun! Believe it or not, yoga can be extremely boring for children and for adults too… In Rainbow Yoga, we make yoga in a fun so that children learn easily and want to do more of it. Yoga is so good for you, but for children to want to want to do yoga you will need to learn to spice it all up and this is what our kid’s yoga online teacher training is for!

This is the perfect resource for yoga teachers, parents, educators and therapists to find and discover hundreds of yoga poses, yoga games and mindfulness practices for children in a way that makes it is easy to learn and easy to enjoy.

Yoga poses for kids: Yoga encourages a positive and healthy lifestyle for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children as it helps in the development of strength, stamina, and endurance, high levels of positive energy, resilience, focus, self-awareness, and awareness of our environment.

Yoga for children empowers them with increased concentration, calm, peace, and contentment at a mental level leading to inner and outer peace and harmony. The Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training includes a digital manual (a hard copy that can be purchased) as part of the course. This is specialized online yoga teacher training. Here we will focus on how to teach yoga to children and teens, and how to help them release stress, relax, stretch, energize – All in creative and fun ways while taking into consideration their unique needs, whether they are physical, social, mental, or emotional. 

You will learn to teach the youngest yogis and those with emotional and mental challenges techniques to assist them with impulse control and self-regulation. Our courses provide a platform and a foundation to promote the healthy development of the hearts, bodies, and minds of young individuals.

The Rainbow Kids Yoga Training is the largest and most well-regarded Kids Yoga Teacher Training in the world. Our graduates teach everywhere using our diploma including schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, early learning centers, Yoga studios, gyms, fitness centers, birthday parties, private and group classes and more.



Join our Yoga Revolution and become a kids’ yoga teacher today through our online yoga teacher training or in-person yoga certification courses. You will be left with a smile on your face, a wealth of knowledge and an ignited spirit to spread the love and joy of yoga.

For our online training, you can allow 24 hours to receive your access and for physical products such as the Rainbow Kids Yoga Book, you can allow 2-4 weeks to receive it by mail. The books are printed on demand before being shipped, but it is worth the wait 😊


Rainbow Yoga is a fun and constantly evolving family mission and lovingly born in 2007, to give people the tools to teach fun, engaging, and creative in=person and online yoga classes for kids, teens, families, partners, and communities. Rainbow Yoga is interactive and social and all about connection; we touch, hug, move, breathe and co-create together our yoga magically and playfully.

Rainbow Yoga offers a variety of unique and comprehensive teacher training certification courses all over the world offering a well-rounded, in-depth learning experience through a combination of play, practical theory, and fun.The Rainbow Yoga Teacher training is renowned for being captivating, dynamic, loving, and life changing. It is condensed with a lifetime of knowledge and hands-on experience from the Founders of Rainbow Yoga, Gopala, and Angel Yaffa. Delivered by world-class faculty around the world.