Somos el Mundo

Una clase para evocar el amor por nuestro hermoso mundo y la pasión para lograr cambios donde sea necesario.…


¡Todos estamos aquí nada menos que para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor!

Los cambios son lentos e incómodos, pero también pueden ser divertidos, dependiendo de nuestra actitud hacia todo ... Esto es cierto en nuestra propia vida, y también en el mundo en general.

Bueno, la paz comienza desde adentro y es un viaje desafiante hacia arriba en un mundo lleno de distracciones y negocios. Sin embargo, a pesar de las dificultades y los obstáculos que nuestra mente y nuestra sociedad puedan presentar, elegir la paz y la bondad dondequiera que vayamos es nuestro deber tanto para nosotros como para el mundo.

¿Qué harías si quisieras cambiar una tela de lycra por una de algodón? ¡Cambiarías los hilos uno por uno! Para tener una familia, una comunidad, un país, un mundo lleno de paz, necesitamos comenzar a hacer los cambios con nosotros mismos y con cada hilo individual..

Entonces, ¿estás listo para comenzar este viaje??

El plan de clases de hoy representa estos conceptos anteriores y nuestra relación con el mundo. ¡Diviértete mientras lo exploras!

TRAER: Bola de tierra, hilo de arco iris

Atrapasueños arcoíris

Teje una red de sueños pasando un hilo de arcoíris (no lana, por favor) de un estudiante a otro. Cada alumno se aferra a su parte del hilo y responde la siguiente pregunta a su vez:

Si pudieras cambiar cualquier cosa en el mundo para convertirlo en un lugar mejor, ¿cuál sería??

Al final, levante el atrapasueños que creó el grupo y observe y aprecie su belleza.

5 minutos


Mandala humano arcoiris

Poses de grupo todas conectadas en el círculo. Haga hincapié en trabajar juntos.

15 minutos

Quirografía de yoga

Divida el grupo en 2; Sirenas y delfines. Haz 2 círculos entrelazados entre sí.

Los primeros 5 minutos, instruya a ambos grupos al mismo tiempo a través de hermosos movimientos creando hermosas formas de caleidoscopio juntos.

Los últimos 5 minutos, haga que los grupos creen ellos mismos la quirografía de yoga arco iris, cada sirena o delfín presentará una pose para su grupo en su turno.

Creación de Yoga

Divida la clase en 2 grupos y haga que cada grupo cree una secuencia grupal (como en el Mandala humano arcoíris y la Quirografía del yoga arco iris) que represente el amor, la adoración y la esperanza por la tierra. Puedes usar la Earth Ball si tienes una.

10 minutos para crear, 5 para realizar.

Masaje Circulos

Los receptores se sientan en el centro, los donantes se colocan detrás de cada receptor. El maestro indica un movimiento de mensaje y los donantes mueven un receptor hacia la derecha después de cada movimiento.

Cambiar roles después de 5 minutos

Fuera de este mundo Meditación cercana a la muerte

Algo pasó y moriste, sin dolor. Mírate dejar tu cuerpo, dejar el mundo, seguirá girando sin ti.

Mientras flotas hacia arriba, se te presentan 3 preguntas:

  1. ¿Qué amaste de tu vida? 
  2. ¿Qué arrepentimientos tienes? 
  3. Si tuviera otra oportunidad, ¿qué harías de manera diferente? 

¡De repente sientes un retroceso hacia la tierra, hacia tu cuerpo!

Regresa al mundo, pero aguanta la respiración todo el tiempo que puedas Respira profundamente como si respiraras por primera vez Respira una nueva vida ¿Qué harás con la nueva vida que te dieron?ven?

5 minutos



Prepare sus clases con anticipación. Obtenga planes de clases semanales
cuando te registras en elCírculo interno afiliación.
Join the Inner Circle

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Rainbow Yoga trained more than 30,000 Kids Yoga Teachers since 2007. We make yoga fun for children and young people of all age groups and for the whole family too! Our yoga consists of many poses and stretches that have different physical benefits for our health and well-being, breathing, relaxation, meditation and mindfulness exercises for our minds, and social interaction, playfulness, meaning, deep life lessons and fun for our spirit.

Thinking about the impact of all those amazing certified yoga teachers, educators, parents and therapists we have trained to teach yoga to children and yoga for teens; we are making a huge difference for the next generation bringing peace, love, kindness and resilience into their lives. Education departments, schools, health programs and individuals in many countries have adopted yoga as a form of exercise and a method to decrees stress and increase wellbeing. We are the biggest and most-loved kid’s yoga teacher training in the world and we are here tp provide you with everything you will need to teach successful, exciting, meaningful, engaging and fun yoga to children, teenagers and families.


Rainbow Kids Yoga offers the most comprehensive, practical, and engaging children yoga teacher training certification in the world! Our course will enable you to deliver children yoga classes that will connects your students to themselves, each other, and the environment. Through unique and engaging practices of mindfulness and yoga your students and community will be able to find connections, enhance well-being and thrive as grounded, integrated and well balanced individuals.

At our training, all while having fun, you will become a children yoga instructor through a lot of experiential practice, insightful theory, yoga poses and sequences, mindfulness practices and relaxation. You will learn how to build fun, engaging, and fitness-level-appropriate children yoga classes for all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. At our kid’s yoga teacher training you will find over 300 videos presenting how to make yoga poses accessible and fun! Believe it or not, yoga can be extremely boring for children and for adults too… In Rainbow Yoga, we make yoga in a fun so that children learn easily and want to do more of it. Yoga is so good for you, but for children to want to want to do yoga you will need to learn to spice it all up and this is what our kid’s yoga online teacher training is for!

This is the perfect resource for yoga teachers, parents, educators and therapists to find and discover hundreds of yoga poses, yoga games and mindfulness practices for children in a way that makes it is easy to learn and easy to enjoy.

Yoga poses for kids: Yoga encourages a positive and healthy lifestyle for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children as it helps in the development of strength, stamina, and endurance, high levels of positive energy, resilience, focus, self-awareness, and awareness of our environment.

Yoga for children empowers them with increased concentration, calm, peace, and contentment at a mental level leading to inner and outer peace and harmony. The Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training includes a digital manual (a hard copy that can be purchased) as part of the course. This is specialized online yoga teacher training. Here we will focus on how to teach yoga to children and teens, and how to help them release stress, relax, stretch, energize – All in creative and fun ways while taking into consideration their unique needs, whether they are physical, social, mental, or emotional. 

You will learn to teach the youngest yogis and those with emotional and mental challenges techniques to assist them with impulse control and self-regulation. Our courses provide a platform and a foundation to promote the healthy development of the hearts, bodies, and minds of young individuals.

The Rainbow Kids Yoga Training is the largest and most well-regarded Kids Yoga Teacher Training in the world. Our graduates teach everywhere using our diploma including schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, early learning centers, Yoga studios, gyms, fitness centers, birthday parties, private and group classes and more.



Join our Yoga Revolution and become a kids’ yoga teacher today through our online yoga teacher training or in-person yoga certification courses. You will be left with a smile on your face, a wealth of knowledge and an ignited spirit to spread the love and joy of yoga.

For our online training, you can allow 24 hours to receive your access and for physical products such as the Rainbow Kids Yoga Book, you can allow 2-4 weeks to receive it by mail. The books are printed on demand before being shipped, but it is worth the wait 😊


Rainbow Yoga is a fun and constantly evolving family mission and lovingly born in 2007, to give people the tools to teach fun, engaging, and creative in=person and online yoga classes for kids, teens, families, partners, and communities. Rainbow Yoga is interactive and social and all about connection; we touch, hug, move, breathe and co-create together our yoga magically and playfully.

Rainbow Yoga offers a variety of unique and comprehensive teacher training certification courses all over the world offering a well-rounded, in-depth learning experience through a combination of play, practical theory, and fun.The Rainbow Yoga Teacher training is renowned for being captivating, dynamic, loving, and life changing. It is condensed with a lifetime of knowledge and hands-on experience from the Founders of Rainbow Yoga, Gopala, and Angel Yaffa. Delivered by world-class faculty around the world.