Afraid of Coronavirus? Yoga can help!
I travel a lot to teach yoga all over the world and my travel plans have been affected before by storms, security alerts and even wars. Well, just to add another thing to the mix, now there is the Coronavirus.
The main feeling that arises in me from this whole situation is actually INSPIRATION.
I feel inspired by how the whole world can come together to protect the people that are more vulnerable to the virus with extreme actions such as social isolation, that affect everyone on a personal level.
I truly hope that we can use it as a precedent to how we can respond globally to other real threats such as global warming, teen suicide, family violence, animal dominance through farming, world hunger, education and more.

Wow! Through communication technology humanity is more connected than ever before. The possibilities of us creating positive change are AMAZING!
All of those human troubles are mostly invisible to us unless we hear about it on our many devices, just like the Coronavirus, yet global action is very much needed on all of those.
When faced with threats and fear, we can either let it consume us and cause us to freeze or flee, or we can choose to take actions.
Life shouldn’t stop. There are car accidents, but we still drive cars… And in some countries, we have natural disasters and wars, but in most cases, it does not stop us from going about our lives and making the best of them.
But, we need to set our priorities right. Our personal life and gains may be important, but they are not as important as our social responsibility to help and to make the world a better place.
Millions and millions of people, including you and I, have made many sacrifices to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Can we do it for other pressing issues too?
I believe we can.
Globally thousands of people die every day from hunger, lack of clean water, violence and wars. Millions of animals die every day for human consumption. The world is heating up causing a deadly imbalance that affects all life on earth.
From the way we responded to the Coronavirus as a united group it is obvious that WE CAN make a difference.
For me, yoga is a lot more than an exercise; it is a way to change the world. Our world and how we see it from the inside out, and the world at large by understanding how connected we are.
Look at this! With the Coronavirus, we are more united in spirit and in action than ever before.
Let’s keep it up!
So many lessons to be learned here about courage, social responsibility, compassion and appreciating life. These are all valuable life lessons that we make an effort to gently teach children and families through our Rainbow Kids Yoga classes.
Like any virus, people with compromised immune systems are more likely to contract it. And here yoga comes into the picture again with its fantastic tools to reduce stress, enhance our mood and wellbeing, bring balance to the body and mind and as a result, strengthen the immune system!
So now with some travel engagements paused, social events being cancelled, and a bit of a feeling of the unknown and plans on hold maybe you’ll find that you have some more time on your super sanitized hands to invest in yoga?
Join our Rainbow Kids Yoga Online Teacher Training and study from the safety of your home with the comfort of managing your own time and effort. Learn how to teach children tools to become more resilient, brave, responsible, appreciative, healthy, happy and strong. All so that we can see our world becoming smaller, safer and happier in our own lifetime!
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