Re-conecta con tu niño interior con Rainbow Yoga
Article Title: Re-conecta con tu niño interior con Rainbow Yoga
(English: Re-connect with your inner child with Rainbow Yoga)
Mi camino con Rainbow Yoga empezó un fin de semana en el 2017 con el Partner Yoga Training, nunca imaginé el maravilloso fin de semana que tendría, llegué buscando aprender más acerca del Yoga en Comunidad y descubrí muchísimo más. Una invitación directa a conectar con mi niño interior, a reconocerme con amor en el otro, elevar nuestras energías en pareja y grupo, a explorar a través del juego, la alegría y complicidad.
English translation for our eyes: ( My journey with Rainbow Yoga started a weekend in 2017 with Partner Yoga Training, I never imagined the wonderful weekend I would have, I arrived looking to learn more about Yoga in Community and discovered much more. A direct invitation to connect with my inner child, to recognize myself with love in the other, to raise our energies as a couple and in a group, to explore through play, joy and complicity. )
Los adultos nos hemos alejado de ese niño dentro de nosotros, que quiere jugar y explorar el mundo, que quiere ser abrazado, amado y curar heridas y por ello, conectar al adulto con su niño interior me ha impulsado a crear el Inti & Killa Rainbow Yoga Club, un espacio de confianza y libertad, para poder ser, estar, explorar, compartir, jugar y sobre todo, ¡disfrutar con la inocencia del niño interior que todos tenemos!
( We adults have distanced ourselves from that child within us, who wants to play and explore the world, who wants to be hugged, loved and heal wounds and therefore, connecting the adult with his inner child has prompted me to create the Inti & Killa Rainbow Yoga Club, a space of trust and freedom, to be, be, explore, share, play and above all, enjoy with the innocence of the inner child that we all have! )
Es hermoso compartir con cada persona que se acerca al encuentro, observar cómo va rompiendo sus propios prejuicios para expresarse en libertad, con la alegría fluyendo por su cuerpo y la calma al terminar nuestro encuentro ¡es un regalo!
( It is beautiful to share with each person who comes to the meeting, to observe how they are breaking their own prejudices to express themselves in freedom, with the joy flowing through their bodies and the calm at the end of our meeting, it is a gift! )
Hoy, que las circunstancia no nos permite juntarnos personalmente, lo hacemos de forma virtual, con talleres mensuales y cada sábado en un espacio gratuito donde los los invitamos a que Víbremos Alto a través del amor, presencia y gratitud.
( Today, that circumstances do not allow us to meet personally, we do it in a virtual way, with monthly workshops and every Saturday in a free space where we invite you to Víbremos Alto through love, presence and gratitude. )
Pily Caña Bernales: Bio & Article
Yoga came to my life in 2013 to stay in it, fill it with happiness, love, experiences, learnings and amazing people that share my path.
I believe that yoga is for everyone, in and out of the mat, to connect with ourselves, with other beings, with nature and that is what I try to live and share with others at every opportunity. Living this way, as a teacher and a student my life is full of love and gratitude.
I completed my 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher training, Rainbow Partner Yoga Teacher Training, Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training, 360 Hour Rainbow Yoga Specialisation Teacher training, Yoga Nidra Teacher training and I’m Madrid's Rainbow Yoga Ambassador.
I love to travel, be in nature and with animals, read, photograph, write and of course! share yoga with everyone else. The mountain is my great master, yoga and meditation keeps me here and now, in connection, love and gratitude.
I feel blessed and grateful to be able to share everything I have learned, to reconnect with those inner children and to provide tools that allow us a more conscious, balanced and happy life.
I’m happy to share free encounters every Saturday to raise energies in love, presence and gratitude through “Vibremos Alto” and online workshops every month.

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